
Shymkent Ormany

The Shymkent Ormany project, under the patronage of the akim of the city of Shymkent, Syzdykbekov Gabit Abdimazhitovich, represents a strategically important environmental initiative scheduled for implementation in 2024. Based on environmental studies, the creation of a forest area on an area of 1000 hectares is critical for improving the environmental situation in the Shymkent agglomeration. The project helps to increase green spaces, which not only improves air quality and reduces the level of urban thermal insulation, but also has a positive effect on the local climate, helping to normalize temperature conditions and air humidification. Such changes can significantly improve the quality of life of urban residents and help reduce environmental risks.

An important element of the project is the creation of a reservoir, which, by collecting natural precipitation, can become a strategic reservoir of drinking water in the future. This will not only increase the region’s resilience to climate change, but will also provide an additional resource in the face of increasing water scarcity. The combination of a forest ecosystem and a reservoir will create a favorable environment for the development of biodiversity and improvement of the ecological balance in the region. In the future, it is planned to breed roe deer, foxes, hares, pheasants and other representatives of the local fauna in the created forest area.

Funding for planting is provided from extra-budgetary funds, using an innovative approach that allows city residents to participate in tree planting through a mobile application. This promotes environmental responsibility and the involvement of the general public in the process of improving the urban environment. Legal entities and associations, as part of the implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy, are offered the opportunity to create thematic alleys.

Scientific and technical support for the project is provided by Miras University by contributing to the informatization of the project, providing the necessary scientific justification, laboratory facilities and technical resources, which is a key aspect of the successful implementation of the project in modern conditions. This collaboration highlights the importance of integrating scientific approaches into urban planning processes and sustainable development of the urban environment.



The plants or animals you purchase will be planted/released into the forest within 6 months in accordance with favorable weather conditions.




White hare
